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  • Protamine zinc (PZI) insulin (brand name Prozinc®) is an injectable medication approved for use in cats and dogs with diabetes mellitus. It is used to lower blood sugar levels and for long-term maintenance therapy of diabetes mellitus. This medication may be used “off label” or “extra label” in other species. Monitor closely for signs of low blood sugar (weakness, lack of energy, lethargy, stumbling or difficulty walking, behavior changes, muscle twitching, seizures, and/or unresponsiveness).

  • Interdigital cysts are a painful condition of swellings between the toes. They are commonly allergic in origin; however, many cases can be multifactorial. Diagnostic testing and treatments are recommended. Prognosis is generally good if the underlying disease can be well managed.

  • Interferon alfa is given by mouth or injection and is used off label to treat certain viral diseases in dogs and cats. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are uncommon but may include vomiting or decreased appetite. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it or that are receiving immediate vaccination. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • This handout outlines internal parasites in dogs. Included are parasites of the gastrointestinal tract (roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms), as well as parasites of the circulatory system (heartworm). How each of these parasites can affect your dog and what you can do to prevent or treat infection are all explained.

  • While dogs do not speak the human language, they still communicate quite effectively and tail wagging enhances their ability to communicate. Position and speed of tail wagging takes on different meanings. Interestingly, dogs do not talk to themselves. They will wag their tails in front of humans or other dogs, but they do not wag when alone!

  • Intestinal tumors are uncommon in dogs and cats, comprising about 2% of all cancers. There are many kinds, including leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, adenocarcinomas, mast cell tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), plasmacytomas, carcinoids, and osteosarcomas (all malignant) and leiomyomas, adenomatous polyps, and adenomas (all benign). Most intestinal tumors are malignant. Intestinal tumors are more prevalent in older animals and certain breeds. Signs, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed.

  • Using desensitization and counterconditioning, a behavior modification technique, can change a pet's negative emotional response to triggers. The technique is well suited for pets experiencing fear, frustration, or hyperarousal. Desensitization must be done slowly and systematically to avoid inadvertently sensitizing the pet.

  • An intussusception is a condition where part of the intestine slides into another part of the gastrointestinal tract. It causes signs similar to intestinal obstruction, including poor appetite and vomiting. Some cases can be life-threatening. Although some non-surgical techniques may correct the problem, most cases require surgery and intensive care for a good outcome.

  • Isoflupredone combinations topical are combination medications containing isoflupredone (a corticosteroid) and other medications. Isoflupredone may be compounded with an antibiotic, a local anesthetic, or other medications to treat surface skin conditions where use of a steroid combination product is indicated. Its use may off label (extra label) depending on the species, condition(s) being treated, and formulation. Isoflupredone combinations topical come in powder and ointment forms, often specially compounded.

  • Isopropyl myristate topical (brand name Resultix®) is a topical, non-insecticidal product containing an ester alcohol (isopropyl) and an acid (myristate). It is used for the removal and killing of attached, crawling ticks on cats and dogs. Sprays are applied topically, directly to the skin at the site of tick attachment.