Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial urinary bladder infections. It is typically used as a second-line antibiotic, when broad-spectrum antibiotics have not cleared the infection. It is used “off label” or “extra label” in veterinary medicine. Nitrofurantoin comes in capsule or liquid forms given orally. Never use in food-producing animals or animals intended for food.
Nitrofurazone topical (brand names Fura-Septin®, Furazone, others), is an antimicrobial used to treat surface bacterial infections, wounds, and skin ulcers in dogs. Some products may be labeled for use in cats. Nitrofurazone topical comes in ointment and powder forms. It is prohibited for use in food-producing animals.
Nizatidine is a histamine-2 (H2) blocker antacid used to help prevent and/or treat stomach ulcers in cats and dogs. It may also be used as a prokinetic agent to help empty the stomach. It is used off label (extra label) in veterinary medicine. Nizatidine comes in oral capsule, tablet, and liquid forms.
Nose Bleeds (Epistaxis) in cats can be extremely unsettling for the pet owner. Most acute (sudden) nosebleeds are caused by simple trauma or by upper respiratory tract infections. This handout discusses nosebleeds in cats, the various causes of this condition, first aid recommendations and possible testing to find the root cause of the problem.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most often used to reduce pain, inflammation, and fever, much like how ibuprofen and naproxen are used by humans. In pets, they are most used around surgical procedures, after injury, or to help manage chronic pain such as that of osteoarthritis. Risks and potential side effects are discussed.
The term 'nutraceutical' was coined to represent compounds found in food and herbs that are not technically considered nutrients, such as vitamins or minerals, but may have a profoundly beneficial impact on the health of the body. Common examples of nutraceuticals include glucosamine, which is used in the treatment of arthritic conditions for both dogs and cats, and antioxidant compounds, that help in the prevention of cancer.
A nutraceutical is a food or food product that reportedly provides health and/or medical benefits. In addition to diet modifications, exercise, weight loss, and medications, joint support nutraceuticals are also helpful in an osteoarthritis management program. Nutraceuticals are not subjected to the same testing and regulation as pharmaceuticals. Your veterinarian can advise you on products that have been evaluated and have yielded positive effects.
Nutritional changes can improve the management and treatment of pancreatic diseases in cats. Diet type and pancreatitis in cats may not be as crucial as in dogs. Diet factors for managing pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, and insulinoma are discussed. Recommendations for feeding diabetic cats and approaching hypoglycemia are also described.
Chronic kidney disease is frequently diagnosed in older cats. Nutrition is important in managing this condition. Commercial therapeutic diets for cats with CKD support kidney function while maintaining a stable body weight and body condition. Your veterinarian will help you choose an appropriate diet for your cat.
Like dogs and people, cats are susceptible to age-related brain changes associated with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS). Behavioral changes such as excessive vocalization at night, having bathroom accidents, and increased anxiety are often associated with CDS, but a thorough examination must be completed to ensure that another medical reason is not the cause of the behavioral changes. Supportive care for the condition is discussed.